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Joe Teal
2020-03-24 01:47:33
What a privilege to work in ministry with David Carter. His impact in several communities will live on for a long time. His investment in young lives has made our world a better place. A big heart, a big smile, and tireless effort, along with David's commitment to our Lord and the message of salvation were his strong assets. He used the gifts God gave him to make the lives of others better. I will miss him greatly. Love to his family.
David Heckman
2020-03-24 02:13:03
We am so so sorry to hear of David's passing. Renee, Haley, Hannah, Hope, Craig and Wilma, Jackie and I are praying for you all during this difficult time and the days to come. David was a joy to know and work with at Dogwood and we are grateful to have served along side him and all of you. May God give great grace during this time.

David & Jackie Heckman
Janet Davis
2020-03-24 12:01:15
So sorry to hear of Brother David’s passing. He meant so much to our family and to the children’s ministry. His smile and wonderful sense of humor as well as his ability to make everyone feel special and loved by God were gifts to us all. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Alan Bush
2020-03-24 12:14:23
I’m truly sorry for your loss. A great guy and a wonderful Christian man. I will miss him very much.
Judy and Phillip Davis
2020-03-24 12:37:42
I am so very sorry. David was always so kind and gracious to me. I particularly remember my granddaughter wanting to ask David about Jesus on a morning of VBS week. I tried to tell her he was way too busy and to wait until lunch. She saw him in the sanctuary and he stopped working and sat down with her. I shall never forget that day! May God bless you and your family!!!
Jason and Kathy Bailey
2020-03-24 12:48:28
Our thoughts, prayers, and much love to Renee, girls, and family. We both loved David and will miss him greatly.
Jeff Glaze
2020-03-24 13:53:17
I'm so sorry for your loss. David is a Great man! He touched so many lives but most of all his family. It was always evident how much he loved his girls, Rene, Haley, Hannah and Hope. He will be missed by a great multitude.
Much love and hugs,
Jeff Glaze and family
Vicki and Fred White
2020-03-24 13:58:59
We love you guys! Please know we have you all in our thoughts and prayers every minute!
Mary Nelle Clem
2020-03-24 15:16:19
I'm still in disbelief on the death of David. May we find comfort in knowing he is with Jesus and was doing what he loved and for the Children.
Valera & Marlin Anderson
2020-03-24 15:20:13
Renee and girls,
Please know that all of you are in our thoughts and prayers. We are just heart broken to hear about David- still seems unreal! We were out walking Sunday afternoon in Canebrake and just hate we missed David. He was one special man with so many talents and gifts. I always remember his smile and his love for his church family, especially the children. He will be greatly missed! That promise of seeing him again one day will keep us going. Sending hugs and much love to you all.
Marlin, Valera and David
Our son Daniel remembers their fishing trips and sends his love and prayers.
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