Death Certificate - Spry Funeral Home

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A death certificate is the official document, which serves as a proof of death. It will include the deceased name, age, address, etc and a medical portion stating the cause or causes of death. The certificate is signed by Medical Staff or Coroner.

Certified copes are available at local health office in which the death occurred and at some time later, at any health office within the state.

During the funeral arrangement conference, we will ask you how many certified copies of the death certificate you will need. As part of our service, we will obtain and pay for these certified copies on your behalf. Although we try to obtain certified copies prior to he completion of the funeral service, this is not always possible, especially if the that occurs out-of-town or the cause of death is pending, waiting post-mortem examination results. If the family needs additional certified copies, they must be obtained from the issuing health department. The funeral home does not maintain a copy of the death certificate.

Some Purposes for Which Death Certificates are Needed

Life Insurance
Pension, IRA and Other Benefits
Accounts at Banks and Credit Unions
Stocks and Bonds
Title and Deeds to Property
Vehicle Registration and Title Changes
Attorneys and CPAs
Home Mortgages
Other Insurance (Credit Card, Automobile)

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