Advanced Planning - Spry Funeral Home

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Why Advanced or Pre-Need Planning

         The death of a loved one can cause a great deal of emotional stress and the necessity of arranging a funeral invariably adds to that stress. Because we are reluctant to think about a loved one dying, the consideration of planning a funeral in advance tends to be put aside. Going through the steps of arranging a funeral can be, at the very least, an overwhelming experience. Planning in advance can eliminate much of the stress that would be encountered if you were to wait until arranging the funeral was a necessity. Advance Planning allows you to think about the type of funeral service that you wish to have for either yourself or your loved one. It gives you time to consider the many options now available and to change your mind at a later date should you decide to elect another option.

         Funding an Advance/Pre-Planned Funeral

         Practically, funding an advance-planned funeral (prearrangements) is the best way to go. It allows you to pay for a funeral at today's prices with the interest on your investment covering any future cost increases. Spry Funeral Home, makes prearrangements at no expense for those who simply want the information on placed file.
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