Janet Gail Smalley - Spry Funeral Home

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Current Obituaries
Janet Gail Smalley, 66 of Athens, Alabama, died Monday, January 20, 2025 at her residence.

Mrs. Smalley was born January 6, 1959 in Chicago, IL.

There will be a 2PM Graveside Service Saturday at Bottom Cemetery.

Visitation is Saturday 11:30AM until 1:30PM at Spry Funeral Home in Athens.

Survivors: Husband: Lanny Ray Smalley of Athens; Sons: Lanny Ray Smalley Jr. of Indiana, Herbie Chillson of Chicago and James Smalley of Athens; Daughters: Amanda Smalley of Athens and Kelly Smalley of Athens; Brothers: Kenneth Maynard of Chicago and Michael Maynard of Chicago; Sister: Sharon Larson of Chicago; Nine Grandchildren; Several Great Grandchildren.
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1 comment

Contrell yarbrough
2025-01-26 11:40:13
I'm so sorry about this janet,you was more than a friend to me on the job,u acted like a 2nd mom to me,always fussed at me about not taking my blood pressure medication,and always helping everyone a heart of gold but would speak her mind,I'm still processing this bcuz it's so hard to believe that your gone,sleep well my friend,,❤️ And like I use to tease you THIS IS THE SMALLEY SHOW,,POW POW POW
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