Billy Wayne Bryant - Spry Funeral Home

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Current Obituaries
Billy Wayne Bryant age 87 of Athens passed away Saturday at his residence.

Mr. Bryant was born October 17, 1937 in Ardmore. He was retired from the U.S. Army and later Cutler - Hammer / Eaton Corporations. Mr. Bryant was a member of Elkmont church of Christ.  

Services will be 2 pm Wednesday in the Chapel of Spry Funeral Home with Steve Ferguson officiating.

Visitation will be Wednesday from 12 noon until service. Pallbearers will be Tim Milon, Wayne Bryant, Jonathon Bryant and David Bryant.

Survivors include his Sons, Jonathon Bryant of Lakewood, Colorado. Wayne Bryant of Athens. David Bryant of Huntsville. Daughter, Susan Thorne of Virginia. Twelve Grandchildren, Three Great Grandchildren. Several Nieces and Nephews.

Mr.Bryant was preceded in death by his Wife, Shirley Jean Bryant. Daughter, Terri Lynn Bryant. Son Joseph Bryant. Great Granddaughter, Charlotte Rose McCoy.

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Contrell yarbrough
2025-01-26 11:40:13
I'm so sorry about this janet,you was more than a friend to me on the job,u acted like a 2nd mom to me,always fussed at me about not taking my blood pressure medication,and always helping everyone a heart of gold but would speak her mind,I'm still processing this bcuz it's so hard to believe that your gone,sleep well my friend,,❤️ And like I use to tease you THIS IS THE SMALLEY SHOW,,POW POW POW
Doris Thomas
2025-02-17 11:41:25
We (S E. and Doris Thomas) are sad to learn of Bill and Shirley's passing, having found out by finding this obituary. We knew each other back in the mid-1970s when Bill and S E. were stationed at Fort Richardson, Alaska. We got reacquainted a few years later when we were stationed at Redstone Arsenal and Bill & Shirley were retired in Huntsville. For decades, we had exchanged Christmas gifts - an Alaska Magazine subscription from us and a poinsettia from the Bryants. We have such fond memories of them and the family. We had always hoped the magazine would inspire them to come back for a visit.
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