Delois June Riddle Elmore - Spry Funeral Home

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Delois June Riddle Elmore, 90 of Athens, Alabama, died Saturday, July 13, 2024 at Huntsville Hospital.

A Memorial Service will be held later, Spry Funeral Home in Athens assisted the family.

Mrs. Elmore was born May 5, 1934 in Limestone County, Alabama and she was a member of Hobbs Street Church of Christ.

Survivors: Son: Tim Elmore of Athens. Three Grandchildren. Seven Great Grandchildren. Preceded in death by: Husband: Robert Harwell Elmore; Daughter: Belinda Juanette Van Emmerick.

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Lisa Lovvorn & Stuart Houston
2024-10-19 16:56:06
Dear Mr. & Mrs Adcock & Manion,
We was very sad to hear about Rex. Stuart had spoken to him 2 weeks ago. He seems to looking forward to coming home and getting his life together. Stuart & Rex spoke of getting Rex's scooter going. Addiction is taking over our children. It enters your mind and takes control. It's a battle each & every day for those that battle addiction. Believe me when I say I know to well. My daughter is an addict. "Really" I was afraid every phone call I received. She now a recovering addict, she has dedicated her life to help others in their fight through addiction. Four years ago, I to drove my daughter to a rehabilitation center. I tried to learn about addiction. I just never realized that it's taking over our youth. I knew I needed help in understanding. I couldn't understand why she couldn't just stop. I truly will keep your family in my prayers. I know days ahead are going to be hard. If I could help you in any way please don't hesitate to call me. If you need anyone to just talk to please.

Yours truly
Lisa 256-559-7681
Karen Lovell
2025-02-21 01:57:17
Rexy Poo!!
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