Anna Marie Martinez Holder - Spry Funeral Home

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Current Obituaries
Anna Marie Martinez Holder age 62 of Elkmont passed away Saturday at Athens Limestone Hospital.

Mrs. Holder was born January 14, 1963 in Indiana, and was a homemaker.

Visitation will be Friday March 7, 2025 from 6-9 PM at Spry Funeral Home.

Survivors include her Sons, Brain(Candace) Martinez of Athens. Kyle (M' lynn) Martinez of Elkmont. Manuel (Andrea) Martinez of Athens Seventeen Grandchildren., three Great Grandchildren, fifteen Nieces and Nephews. Brother, Brian (Dawn) Martinez of Hammond, Indiana.

She was preceded in death by her Husband, Kenneth Holder. One Sister, Three Brothers and her Parents.

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1 comment

Lynn-Miriam Klopfenstein
2020-09-20 11:55:04
Sad for Betty and the children but rejoicing for John, a warrior in the faith and now gone home. We have many joyous memories of days long past.
Psalm 116:15. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints.
With our love and prayers.
Lynn and Miriam
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