Michael Henry Kuske - Spry Funeral Home

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Michael Henry Kuske, son of Kurt and Lorraine Kuske, passed away at the age of 72 surrounded by loved ones on Thursday, February 27, 2025.

He was preceded in death by his parents and siblings Kurt Kuske and Pamela Bridgmon as well as his wife Carol Kuske.

He leaves behind his siblings Tamara Svitek, Barbara Francis, Ellen Kuske, Thomas Kuske, and Sharon Collins. He also leaves behind his children Megan Kuske and Michael Kuske, his daughter-in-law Trista Kuske, and his two grandchildren Cooper and Charlea Kuske.

Michael enjoyed spending time with his family and friends, often with a game of cards or yahtzee or merely just to shoot the breeze with folks. He loved spending time with his grandchildren and watching them grow up. He was one for a good laugh and a great storyteller of his youth.

He will be deeply missed by those that have had the honor of knowing and loving him. Rest in peace Mike Henry.

A Celebration of Life for Mike Henry will be held on Saturday, March 22,2025 at West Highland Baptist Church between 1 PM- 3 PM.


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