George Robert Perry - spry2

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Current Obituaries
George Robert Perry, 87 of Athens, AL died Saturday, May 6, 2023 at his residence.

He was a member of the Baptist Church, a US Airforce Veteran, & a retired Crane operator.

Graveside services will be Tuesday, 2 PM at Sandlin Cemetery.

Visitation will be Tuesday, 11:30 am until 1:30 PM at Spry Funeral Home.

Survivors include, Sons: Bobby Perry of Douglas, AZ, Jeffery Perry of Athens, AL, Billy Hope of Dorset, OH, Daughters: LeAnn Monjure of Pearlington, MS, Theresa Saunders of Ohio, Sister: Dorothy King of Athens, AL, 9 Grandchildren, 7 Great Grandchildren.

Preceded in death by daughter: Cindy Balckledge

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Kathy Thomas Schimpf
2023-07-16 05:45:09
I'm so very sorry for your loss. I feel your pain, I pray God gives you the comfort and strength to endure the days to come. I'm sorry I couldn't attend, I love you all May God bless you all♥️♥️♥️♥️
2025-02-04 07:57:16
Alivia was everything to me. I miss you baby girl. I will always have memories of you. I just wish God didn't take you so soon. Thank you for letting me be your auntie. I miss you sweet girl. I don't know what happened I'm still trying to figure it out. I wanna see u again. Alivia you were always there for auntie I just wish I was there when you needed me. I'm sorry RIP
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