Alivia Marie Moss - spry2

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Current Obituaries
Alivia Marie Moss age 23 months died Friday June 2, 2023 in Madison County.

Alivia was born July 21, 2021 in Limestone County.

Services will be 2 pm Sunday in the Chapel of Spry Funeral Home with James Turner officiating, burial will follow at Gatlin Cemetery.

Visitation will be Saturday from 6-8 PM at Spry Funeral Home.

Survivors include, Mother, Anita Moss of Elkmont. Father, Bobby Moss of Athens. Grandparents, Ruth and Tony Moss of Athens. Melissa Griffin of Minor Hill, TN. Cathy Mickley of Florence, AL. Brothers, Dillon Clinard, Dalton Clinard and Connor Moss.

She was preceded in death by Grandfather, Merrice Griffin and Monroe Griffin.

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Kathy Thomas Schimpf
2023-07-16 05:45:09
I'm so very sorry for your loss. I feel your pain, I pray God gives you the comfort and strength to endure the days to come. I'm sorry I couldn't attend, I love you all May God bless you all♥️♥️♥️♥️
2025-02-04 07:57:16
Alivia was everything to me. I miss you baby girl. I will always have memories of you. I just wish God didn't take you so soon. Thank you for letting me be your auntie. I miss you sweet girl. I don't know what happened I'm still trying to figure it out. I wanna see u again. Alivia you were always there for auntie I just wish I was there when you needed me. I'm sorry RIP
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