Zandra Alicce Bush - spry2

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Zandra Alicce Bush, age 61 of Athens, Alabama, died Thursday, March 5, 2020 at Athens-Limestone Hospital.

Mrs. Bush was born September 20, 1958 in Madison County.

A Memorial Service will be held later.
Sign Guestbook Below.

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Misti Welborn
2020-03-26 16:28:08
Keeping all of the family in my thoughts and prayers. Much love to you.
Greg & Diane Givens
2020-03-26 16:41:29
We are so sorry for your loss. Mr. Carter was such a kind and friendly person. He always spoke to us when we were there. He cared so much for our grandchildren, Brooks and Ally Givens. I know your church will miss him greatly. He touched so many lives. May you feel God's comfort during this time.

Greg & Diane Givens
(Kevin's parents in Chattanooga)
Dagan Breakfield
2020-03-26 16:45:13
I never knew Mr. David, but I know his sweet daughters Hope and Hannah. To see the light that they give is a testament to how they were raised. Praying for this family, for my friends.
Roark & Karen McDonald
2020-03-26 16:58:53
We are heartbroken for the loss of your husband, father, youngest son, and little brother. May the power of God’s comforting Spirit ease your ache.
Kevin Pepper
2020-03-26 17:26:31
David was one of the greatest men I've ever known. I enjoyed the years that I was able to work with him in VBS and other ministries. He was truly a man of God, and was always thinking of new ways to reach out to the community to spread the love of Jesus. His positive attitude was infectious, and I don't remember ever seeing him without a smile on his face. He will be greatly missed. I'm praying that God will comfort the family in their loss.
Clay and Dana Whitehurst
2020-03-26 17:41:50
We are thankful the Lord allowed our family to cross paths with David Carter. His loving legacy of generosity, and enthusiasm for the gospel inspired and encouraged us to persevere through tough times!
Prayers and Love for Renee, the girls, Craig and Wilma.
Clay, Dana, Abbie , Davis Whitehurst
Michael, Lindsey and kids
2020-03-26 17:51:42
Today as we say a temporary goodbye, We can’t help but be so proud of the life you lived, the love you gave to all and the faith that you shared with countless people. From the moment we meet your precious family we all became family. We are so thankful that we have shared so many memories with you and you beautiful family. We wouldn’t have had any other person marry us and counsel us throughout the years. I’m so thankful for the friendship you shared, especially, with my daddy. Your laugh will truly be missed but your generosity and love will stay with us until we meet again! We love you so big “uncle” David, may you now bike on the streets of gold.
2020-03-26 18:13:41
I am so sorry for your loss. David was a childhood friend of my father’s and recently did the ceremony for the passing of my grandmother. The Lord used his presence and gifts that day to provide tremendous amounts of comfort and love for my family. It was such an honor to meet him! Just from my small interaction with him, I personally felt the love of Jesus that day. I am praying comfort and peace over your family, and that the power and truth of the gospel be made ever so clear during this time of loss.
Sam Graham
2020-03-26 18:16:10
I met David Carter in early to mid eighties and I fell in Love with him and he has been a great friend to me ever since and his brother Craig!!! First time i seen Him he was doing a skit i heard This cricket sound and it got louder and louder and everyone was looking around and when i would See David in Athens i would Say to him i still Hear that dang cricket in my sleep and he would laugh only the way he could. Love this family!!! David Carter will be greatly missed!!!
Riley Ward
2020-03-26 18:16:48
Thank you, Mr. David. Thank you for everything.
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