Floyd Herman Butler - Spry Funeral Home

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Floyd Herman Butler, 92 of Athens, Alabama, died Tuesday, September 3, 2024 at Athens Limestone Hospital.

Mr. Butler was born February 8, 1932 in Lauderdale County, AL., and he was a member of First Baptist Church. He was a U.S. Navy Veteran of the Korean Conflict and he was retired from NASA.

Services will be 2PM Sunday at Spry Funeral Home Chapel in Athens with Tee Jackson officiating, burial in Roselawn Cemetery with Military Honors.

Visitation is Sunday 12noon until service at Spry Funeral Home.

Pallbearers will be Jackson Butler, John Butler, Brett Butler and Jeff Bass. Survivors: Sons, Eddie Butler of Athens and Hank (Laurie) Butler of Homosassa, FL. Grandchildren, John Butler, Brett Butler, Sam Butler and Sabrina Butler. Nine Great Grandchildren. Several Nieces and Nephews.

Preceded in death by: Wife, Marjorie Butler.

Sign Guestbook Below.

Lisa Lovvorn & Stuart Houston
2024-10-19 16:56:06
Dear Mr. & Mrs Adcock & Manion,
We was very sad to hear about Rex. Stuart had spoken to him 2 weeks ago. He seems to looking forward to coming home and getting his life together. Stuart & Rex spoke of getting Rex's scooter going. Addiction is taking over our children. It enters your mind and takes control. It's a battle each & every day for those that battle addiction. Believe me when I say I know to well. My daughter is an addict. "Really" I was afraid every phone call I received. She now a recovering addict, she has dedicated her life to help others in their fight through addiction. Four years ago, I to drove my daughter to a rehabilitation center. I tried to learn about addiction. I just never realized that it's taking over our youth. I knew I needed help in understanding. I couldn't understand why she couldn't just stop. I truly will keep your family in my prayers. I know days ahead are going to be hard. If I could help you in any way please don't hesitate to call me. If you need anyone to just talk to please.

Yours truly
Lisa 256-559-7681
Karen Lovell
2025-02-21 01:57:17
Rexy Poo!!
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